Sunday, November 6, 2011

#41 Grey Sottana with slashed sleeves and layered imbusto

I have finally finished my latest project. This was made with dark grey linen leftover from my daughter's Hermoine skirt and bought a couple of years ago.
The imbusto is layered with wool felt and canvas, herringbone stitched together by hand, and leftover from previous sottana. The hem stiffening is also from wool felt.
The sleeves are lined with red linen leftover from my daughter's red linen dress.
It is again based on the extant Eleanora d'Toledo burial gown and Red dress from Pisa.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

AS #40 Camicia - for Spanish outfit

I have finally finished my latest camicia/smock. It is based on the Prato museum pattern again.

I used some cotton 'shirt material' I bought from Spotlight at least 15 years ago? ( I think - it has been there so long). I embroidered with silk Madiera thread, around the neckline. (aslo left over from another camicia).

This is to be worn with my 'Spanish' black linen dress.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

.AS #35 Set of Italian Slashed Sleeves and buttons

The sleeves were made from left over linen. The buttons were made from stash crochet cotton and wooden beads. The loops were fingerknitted.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

AS50 Challenge... #39

39. Dafydd's Device appliqued fro the Innilgard Device banner. This was made from black velvet (see Rapier partlet) and left over purple material from an old purple dress. This was actually made in September, 2010 and was left of the list... :)

AS50 Challenge... #38

38. 'gold' coloured thread covered buttons all from stash, including beads.

these were actually made in April, 2010... forgot to add... :)

AS50 Challenge... #36 and 37

36 and 37: Black soccaccia - one plain, one couched with gold thread. These were made from linen left over from the black linen dress.

AS50 Challenge... #34

34. Black Spanish style hat 16thC. (3/11) based on drawings from Hispanic Costume 1480-1540. I bought this hat back int he 1980s and thought it would come in handy one day. That day has come! I used cord, ribbon, tassels and buttons from my stash. It is handsewn.

AS50 Challenge... #33

33. Sleeves for Linen dress remade: The bodice was pulled apart and relined with felt and canvas instead of buckram (which was a disaster) and new sleeves were added. All stash. (3/10)

documenation can be found at:

AS50 Challenge... #31

31. Practice Rapier Doublet based on Elizabethan Doublet coats. Again using stash cotton drill left over from a non-SCA costume. Buttons were bought years ago, from Steve Millington Pewton Replicas (UK).

AS50 Challenge... #29 and 30

29. Black Buttons made from bead buttons and crochet thread from stash. and

and 30. Blue silk and gold thread buttons. Again all from stash.

AS50 Challenge... #28

28. Cream soccaccia , from material left over from 2nd SCA dress made in 1994. the gold couched thread also from stash. Given as gift.

documentation at:

AS50 Challenge... #26 and 27

26. Cream buttons and 27. Gold and Black Buttons (for largess).

AS50 Challenge... #25

25. Linen Stays based on stays found with Eleanora's burial clothing, repatterned. Made from red linen left over from red hose and red dress.

seen here under remade Black Tudor.. as Italian... no boning there!

AS50 Challenge... #24

24. Linen Doublet Mens Elizabethan, for camping. Linen was more from the Great Linen Sale... the pewter buttons were bought, some years ago from Steve Millingham Pewter Replicas (available on the internet from the UK).

AS50 Challenge... #23

23. Red Linen Sottana (dress) for my daughter. This is based on Elizabethan and Italian Ren portraits, and to her request. Linen was from the great Linen sale and same as that of the red linen hose.

AS50 Challenge... #22

22. A&S Championship Pouch. This is given to the winner of the Lochac A&S Championship, every year. The blue velvet, white linen and embroidery thread and metal thread are all from stash. The cords were made from crochet cord from stash. I had to buy one bell, as I ran out!

AS50 Challenge... #21

21. Black velvet rapier partlet based on many Tudor Portraits.

AS50 Challenge... #20

20. Yellow/gold buttons for the Queen's Gift Box. based on portraits and extant buttons, some can be found in Janet Arnold's book.

documenatation can be found at:

AS50 Challenge... #18 and 19

18. Red Manichino (Muff). and 19. Blue Manichinno: based on Donna at Tempate (Venice) from Vecellio.

This was made from material left over from a sottana (dress) and 2ndhand fur coat (I have a stash of them I have bought from opshops).

AS50 Challenge... #17

17. Red Linen hose, based on Diversarum Nationum Habitum (venice)

The red linen was part of some linen earmarked for a dress for my daughter bought in the 'great linen sale' a few years back.

AS50 Challenge... #16

16. Red Soccaccia (pocket) based on painting of Birth of a Virgin, found in Moda a Firenze.

Again, made from material left over from a previous sottana (dress) and handmade cording

AS50 Challenge... #32

32. Rapier Hood, ( 10/09) based on 'embroidered hoods' was made from some linen and christmas holly pattern material from a few years back and lace left over from previous projects.

AS50 Challenge... #14 and 15

14 and 15: Embroidered Soccaccia based on drawings 'preparing the eggs of the silkworm' found in Italian Renaissance Interiors
The silk material was given to me, in a stash of material, some years ago.

AS50 Challenge... #13

13. Zebellini jewelry. This was based on several portraits. I had a fox fur and made the 'jewelry' from various findings in stash.

documentation can be found at:

AS50 Challenge... #12

12. Two pairs of earrings based on portraits from 16th C. made from findings in stash.

documentatoin can be found at:

AS50 Challenge... #11

11. Red Florentine sottana (dress). this is loosely based on the Allori portrait and the Bronzino portrait, possibly of Guilia Medici. Both have a scalloped neck edging. The pattern was also based on the extant wool/linen dress found in Pisa.

AS50 Challenge... #10

10. Medici Capotto/ Dutch Cloak based on extant capotto of Don Garzia, found in the Medici crypt. The only thing I had to buy was some blue satin for the slashed bias trim. The buttons and loops were made from crochet cotton and wooden beads.

diary and documenation can be found at: