Tuesday, October 16, 2012

43. Set of 12 thread covered buttons.

towards the AS 50 challenge.
made from 10mm wooden beads and cotton pearle thread both from stash.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Experiementing with hair

I made up some ratts and tried this for a more prominent front roll (maybe more Elizabethan ) and this worked amazingly! It took about 5-10 mins to do my hair at an event with no help... fantastic. It lasted all day! Below are the ratts (I cheated and bought some doughnut bun things from the cheap shop. total cost $4), cut them and resewed them. I use lots of those U shaped bobby pins.

This was at the event...
thanks to William for the pic)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

#42 More pictures.

I wore this to the Lochac Midwinter, in Innilgard.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

#42 Grey Cotton and Linen Zimmara (loose gown)

I have made another loose gown with some loose weave cotton jacquard I bought on sale quite a while ago. The linen lining was also bought on sale quite some time ago. This is the last of the lot I bought then. THe buttons are made from crochet thread, woven and wound over wooden beads.
This was the inspiration:
This was made to wear over the grey linen sottana (#41). I reinforced the upper body of the gown with a 1/2 linen lining, as it was loose weave material (and did drop quite a bit,making the hem annoying to even up later) but it was made for summer so I used lightweight materials that would breathe. (no synthetics). The sleeves were split - again to aid in air circulation for summer.
A white bias edging was added and handclipped as seen in zimmara in portraits of Eleanora d'Toledo.
Making the zimmara: buttons..
cuffs with edging

adding the edging
placing of the decorative buttons.